Irwin House Gallery is proud to present the 3rd Annual “Gift of Art” Holiday Art Exhibition, opening on BLACK FRIDAY in an all-day Open House Reception. With more than 120 featured works and 60+ participating artists, this is the gallery’s largest, most inclusive, affordable, and joyous show of the year! Designed to encourage collectors and art-lovers to start or build their collections here AND give the gift of art for the holidays, the exhibition stands behind the hashtag #somethingforeveryone!
This year, Irwin House has been delighted and equally proud to work with Dr. Chanel Beebe as Curator of the exhibition. Born and raised in Detroit, Chanel is a creative writer, visual artist, educator, and founder and CEO of Beebe Arts LLC – a research and design firm focused on social and educational equity. Partnering with Irwin House for the first time, she shares, “This is one of the most stunning shows I’ve had the pleasure of curating. The variety of art forms and styles takes me on such a beautiful journey and makes me so glad to be a part of Detroit’s vibrant art scene. I’m so excited to share these artists’ work with the city!”
The annual holiday exhibit typically features all original and affordable art, priced from $50-$500. From photography to ceramics and sculpture, to hanging installations and both traditional and experimental paintings, the 3rd Annual “Gift of Art” promises well over 100 dazzling, inspiring and mostly Detroit-made works, installed salon-style across both floors. Works were selected from an open call placed to artists of all ranks, backgrounds and styles via social platforms, with an intention to include every artist who applied. Due to the gallery’s growing profile, enhanced by Dr. Beebe’s fervent outreach, a record-breaking number of over 250 items were submitted for review this year. Consequently and regrettably, this will be the first year that the gallery was unable to accommodate each and every artist who submitted.
“This is an un-themed show, so this is the one time of year that we really try to bring everyone together – anyone who wants to exhibit, with whatever message they want to share through their art,” states Gallery Director, Misha McGlown. “We look forward to this show as it gives us an opportunity to meet and provide exposure for new artists and build upon the relationships with artists we already know. Plus, it feels good to know that this exhibit brings something for everyone – no matter your budget or what type of art you like!” Irwin House dreams of more space and future opportunities to work with some of the artists they were unable to fit into the show this year.
The 3rd Annual “Gift of Art” Holiday Exhibition opens on Black Friday, November 25, 2022 in an all-day Open House Reception from 12 -7 pm. The show runs through December 23, 2022 and general hours of operation are Weds-Sat 12-7 pm and Sundays 12-6 pm. #GiftOfArt22 #artfortheholidays #somethingforeveryone